Stay Warm: Get Free Windows with These Government Grants

Need help getting new windows for your home without spending a lot? You’re in the right place! This guide is all about the different ways you can get help to replace old windows with new, energy-saving ones. These programs are here to help families who don’t have a lot of money, older adults, and people with disabilities. They want to make homes better to live in and help save on energy bills. There are government programs, groups that don’t make money, and charities all ready to help you out. So, let’s find out what’s out there for you!

Getting Help from the Government to Replace Your Windows

The U.S. government works with states to offer programs that help families who need new windows but can’t afford them. These windows save energy and cut down on heating and cooling costs. Here are some of the big government programs:

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The Weatherization Assistance Program is a big deal for getting new windows for free. The Department of Energy pays for it, and it’s all about making homes more energy-efficient for families who don’t have a lot of money. If you’re eligible, you could get new windows, plus other things to save energy like sealing up drafts.

To try for WAP, you need to talk to the WAP office near you. Different states have different ways to sign up, but usually, you need to show how much money you made last year and how many people live in your house. Then, someone comes to check your house to see if you can get the free help based on how much you’ll save compared to the cost of the updates.

Woman sitting in her house in front of new windows

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Programs

The Federal Housing Administration gives out loans, grants, and urgent help with money for home updates, including new windows. They work with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and others to give grants and loans that aren’t too expensive for saving energy, like getting new windows. The 203K loan is one of their main programs that can pay for new windows and other home repairs.

To learn more about what the FHA offers for window replacement, you can call your local HUD office or check their website. They want to help families with not much money make important updates to their homes and save energy.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

LIHEAP is a program by the federal government that helps people with low incomes pay their energy bills. It’s mostly for helping with bills, but it also has grants for things like getting new windows. The grants are given out by each state, and sometimes the program has a different name.

To ask about LIHEAP and new window grants, you need to get in touch with the LIHEAP office where you live. You can use LIHEAP money together with other programs like WAP to get a lot of help to make your home more energy-efficient.

Help from Non-Profit Groups and Charities

Besides the government, there are also groups and charities that don’t make money off what they do, and they help people get new windows for free. They use money given to them and volunteers to help families with low incomes get new windows or fix old ones. Here are some of these helpful groups:

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity gets volunteers to help people with low incomes fix up their homes, including getting new windows. They get money from their own stores that sell used stuff and from donations by companies and stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot. Then they use that money to give away free windows and pay for putting them in.

You can call Habitat for Humanity at (800) 422-4828 to ask about help with windows. They’ll tell you how to apply and see if you can get help from them.

Community Action Agencies

Community Action Agencies are all over the country, and they help people find and apply for government money when times are tough, including for new windows. They’re a great place to start if you’re looking for financial help and they’ll help you with the paperwork.

You can look online or ask your local government offices to find a Community Action Agency near you. They often have special programs to help families who don’t have much money fix up their homes.

Volunteers of America

Volunteers of America has centers in many areas that help people with low incomes, older adults, and those without homes. They do lots of things, like helping with window replacement, home repairs, and finding safe, affordable places to live. They work with the government and non-profit groups to give grants and help with new windows.

⚠️ Keep in mind, our articles are guides, not gospel. We are not the government, so for the most accurate benefit details, make sure to check with official government channels, including your local benefit administration office.

To get help from Volunteers of America, you can go to their website or call their centers. They’ll help you apply and figure out the best way to help you with what you need.

Easy Energy-Saving Tips for a Cozy Home

If you want to save energy and keep your house comfy, you don’t have to wait or spend lots of money. Here are some easy steps you can take right now to make your home more energy-smart.

  1. Seal the Sneaky Drafts Sometimes, little gaps around doors and windows let cool air in during winter and hot air in during summer. You can fix this fast by using something called weatherstripping. It’s like a sticky tape that you put around the edges to block the gaps. You can also use a door draft stopper – it’s like a long pillow that lies at the bottom of your door to keep drafts out.
  2. Use Curtains That Save Energy Curtains aren’t just for looks; they can help you save energy. Try using heavy or thermal curtains. They’re special curtains that keep the heat in when it’s cold and out when it’s hot. Just close them at night or when the sun is shining in too much, and you’ll feel the difference.
  3. Switch to LED Lights Old light bulbs use a lot of electricity, but LED bulbs don’t, and they last way longer. They come in all kinds of colors and brightness levels. You can change your old bulbs for LED ones, and soon you’ll see your electricity bill go down.
  4. Turn Off What You’re Not Using This one’s easy: if you’re not using something, turn it off. Lights, TVs, computers – if they’re on and no one’s using them, they’re wasting energy. Make it a habit to check before you leave a room.
  5. Unplug Chargers When You’re Done Did you know that chargers plugged into the wall keep using energy even if they’re not charging anything? It’s true! When you’re done charging your phone or tablet, unplug the charger to save power.
  6. Use Fans Instead of Air Conditioning If it’s hot, try using a fan before turning on the air conditioner. Fans use less energy, and sometimes a nice breeze is all you need to feel cooler.
  7. Adjust Your Thermostat If you have a thermostat for heating or cooling, you can set it to a temperature that’s not too hot or too cold. When it’s colder outside, try keeping the inside temperature a little cooler than usual and wear a sweater. When it’s hot, set the thermostat a bit higher and use fans. This saves a lot of energy.
  8. Keep Your Fridge and Freezer Full A full fridge and freezer keep the cold better than an empty one. So, it doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool. Don’t have enough food to fill it? You can use bottles of water!
  9. Take Shorter Showers Hot showers use a lot of energy to heat the water. By taking shorter showers, you use less hot water and save energy.
  10. Talk to Your Family and Friends Tell the people you live with about these tips. If everyone does a little bit, it adds up to a lot of saved energy.

Bonus Tip: Start a Window Garden

Grow your own herbs right on your windowsill! Not only does this give you fresh herbs for cooking, but plants also help clean the air inside your home. Plus, during sunny days, they can soak up some of the sunlight, which might naturally warm your space a little. It’s a fun project that can also save a bit on groceries. Just remember to water them and enjoy the green view!

See? You don’t need special tools or a lot of time to start saving energy. Try these tips today, and you’ll be making your home better and saving money before you know it!

Wrapping It Up

So, if you’re looking for a way to get new windows without having to pay for them, there are lots of free programs out there for you. With government programs like WAP and FHA, plus non-profit groups and charities like Habitat for Humanity and Volunteers of America, you’ve got a good chance of finding help. These programs are all about making homes better and saving energy, which also helps save money on bills. Just reach out to these organizations and follow their steps to apply, and you might just get the help you need to make your home better.