LIHEAP Application Instructions

Washington State residents seeking assistance must apply at one of the 27 LIHEAP member agencies across the state. A list of agencies by county is available on the LIHEAP Washington State website here. When applying for assistance, you must provide proof of income for each household member, each household member's Social Security card, your lease agreement or proof of home ownership, a government-issued identification and documents showing your home heating costs.

 LIHEAP is provided to the citizens of Washington through a network of community action agencies and local municipalities. They can be found at this link. These are the organizations that perform program eligibility determinations and award LIHEAP grants to eligible households. Each agency has their own procedures that will need to be followed in order to receive LIHEAP services.

In order to apply for LIHEAP, you must schedule an appointment with the organization that offers services in your area. You can either email them or call them using the following information:

Department of Commerce

[email protected]

(360) 725-2857

 Instructions for scheduling a LIHEAP appointment can also be found at this link.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for Washington's LIHEAP is based on income, family size, the type of home heating system, and the cost to heat the home during the winter. Preference is given to households with children, the elderly or people with disabilities. Applicants can be homeowners or renters. Households with the lowest income and the highest home heating costs receive the greatest assistance. The combined annual income of all family members cannot exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level. Qualifying households in Washington State receive $25 to $1,000 in home heating assistance, depending on need. Each household receives a one-time award for the October through June heating season. See details on the table below:-




Average Monthly
Income for
Wage Earners


?                       $13,963

?                  $1,164

?                            $1,454



?                  $1,576



?                       $23,863


?                            $2,486



?                  $2,401



?                       $33,763

?                  $2,814







?                       $43,663

?                  $3,639



?                       $48,613

?              $4,051



?                       $53,563




?                       $58,513



More details on eligibility can be found here.