WIC Application Instructions
If you meet the basic Nevada WIC eligibility requirements, you should go ahead and apply for participation in the program. Applying for the Nevada WIC is a simple process that can be done in two steps. You first need to contact you nearest Nevada WIC local office and schedule an appointment for an interview through the contact information available on this link: Nevada WIC contact information.
On the day of the interview, you should remember to carry important documents such proof of identity, proof of income and proof of residence as specified by the Nevada WIC program representative. During the interview you will be examined for nutritional risk, a program representative will then verify your documents before asking you a set of questions aimed at establishing your eligibility to the program. Upon successful completion of the process you will commence your participation in the program and will start receiving the program benefits that you are eligible for.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for the Nevada WIC program, Applicants need to meet a specified set of eligibility requirements. These eligibility requirements can be broadly divided into categorical eligibility requirements, income eligibility requirements, residential eligibility requirements, and proof for nutritional risk and are discussed below.
Categorical Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for the Nevada WIC program, applicants need to belong to one of the three categories of women, infants or children. In addition to being a member of one of the three categories applicants also need to meet the individual categorical eligibility requirements. These categorical eligibility requirements are:
Women applying for the Nevada WIC program need to be:
- undergoing pregnancy or within six weeks after the delivery of an infant
- breastfeeding up to the infant's first birthday
- postpartum
Should be under one year old
Should be below six years of age
Resident Requirements
Applicants for the Nevada WIC program, must be residing in the state of Nevada at the time of their application, and should be US nationals or registered legal aliens.
Income Requirements
Applicants to the Nevada WIC program should have moderately low-income as specified by the income guidelines available on the following link: Nevada WIC income guidelines, these income guidelines are based on the applicant's household income and household size.
Proof of Nutritional Risk
To qualify for the Nevada WIC program, you should be examined by a healthcare professional and proven to be at nutritional risk. Applicants can be examined free of charge at their nearest Nevada WIC clinic, click here to locate your nearest clinic.