LIHEAP Application Instructions
To apply for LIHEAP in Illinois, you have to find you local community action agency. You can find address and contact information about community action agencies in Illinois using this link.
When visiting community action agency, make sure that you are taking the following documents with you to expedite the application process.
Proof of household income
A copy of your energy and heating bills issued within last 30 days of making such application
If heating costs are included in your rent then you need to take a copy of your rental agreement with you
Social security number of all the household members
If any member of the household is receiving aid through TANF or other low-income programs then bring its proof
In case you need help with anything, call at 877-411-9276 for further assistance or visit your nearest local community action agency office.
Eligibility Requirements
To receive LIHEAP benefits in Illinois, applicant has to be
Resident of Illinois
Need income assistance to continue using heating during winter
For crisis assistance, households will receive help if they are running out of primary fuel
Those requiring aid for furnace repairing will have to pay a portion of total cost
Household income must be within income limits defined by the program
Income limits
Households in Illinois will have to meet the following income limit to be eligible for LIHEAP benefits.
Number of people in household Annual income limit
Family Size (total number in household) | 30-Day Gross Income Total to Meet Eligibility |
1 | $2,430 |
2 | $3,287 |
3 | $4,143 |
4 | $5,000 |
5 | $5,857 |
6 | $6,713 |
For each additional person in the household, add $5,940 in the annual income limit to find out income limit for your household size.