LIHEAP Application Instructions

To apply for Alabama LIHEAP, you will have to contact your local community action agency. You can find an agency office near you using this link.

Alternatively, you can also call 1-800-392-8098 and ask for phone and address of your local community action agency.

When visiting your local agency to apply or LIHEAP, make sure that you are taking documents with you that are needed for determining your eligibility for the program. These may include your identity, proof of residence, proof of income, and utility bills.

Eligibility Requirements

Households looking to receive assistance with energy costs will have to meet Alabama LIHEAP requirements. If they qualify for the program, they will receive a one-time grant, which is sent directly to the utility company, except for a crises scenario.

Households will have to meet the following criteria

  • Be a U.S citizen of a legal immigrant

  • Be a resident of the state of Alabama

  • Be in a genuine need for help with energy costs

  • Meets the household income requirements for the program

Income guidelines

Here is the income chart for Alabama LIHEAP.

Number of people in household Gross annual income limit

  1. $16,755

  2. $22,695

  3. $28,635

  4. $34,575

  5. $40,515

  6. $46,455

  7. $52,395

  8. $58,335

If you have additional people in the household, please add $5,940 for each person in annual gross income limit to find out household income requirements according to size of your household.

If an applicant is already receiving benefits through TANF, SSI, or SNAP in Alabama, then it can automatically qualify for LIHEAP benefits in Alabama